N I S T Center for Neutron Research

Accomplishments and Opportunities 2001

Table of Contents

Cover Page

Disclaimer and Printing Information

Foreward by Mike Rowe


N I S T Center for Neutron Research Layout

Chronology of the N C N R in Photographs

Measurement of the Free Neutron Lifetime

E T S - 4: Maxwell's Zeolite

Measuring Stress Relief in Electron Beam Weld Joints of Superalloys

E X P G U I: Smoothing the Path to Powder Crystallography

Neutron Diffraction Contributes to Improving the Fatigue Life of Bridges

Capillary Neutron Lens for Prompt Gamma Activation Micro-Analysis

Giant Anharmonicity and Electron-Phonon Mediated Superconductivity in MgB2 at 39 K

Polaron Formation and Colossal Magnetoresistance in Manganites

Ferromagnetism and Spontaneous Vortex Formation in Superconducting Er Ni2 B2 C

Structure of Local Spin Excitations in a Geometrically Frustrated Antiferromagnet

Pressure-Induced Phase Transition of C12E5 Micelles

Probing the Structure of Aerosol Nanodroplets

Nanoporous Ultra-Low Dielectric Constant Materials

Neutron Reflectivity Studies of Surfactants at Electrode Surfaces

Magnetic Semiconductor Superlattices

Pinpointing Chiral Structures with Front/Back Polarized Neutron Reflectometry

The Nature of Vibrational Softening in α - Uranium

Native and Partially Unfolded Proteins: Neutron Inelastic Scattering and Simulations

Atomic Motions in Confined Polymer Films

Tuning the Properties of Carbon Nanotubes by Deformation

Serving the Scientific and Technological Communities


Instrumentation Developments


Instruments and Contacts

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