SPINS Instrument Details

GuideNG5,50 mm (width) × 120 mm (height)
MonochromatorPG(002) with variable vertical focusing
Ei from 2.4 to 14 meV
wavelengths from 2.42 - 5.84 Å
Flux at Sample Position 3.9 × 106 neutrons/cm2/s at 4 Å and open/40' collimation
7.6 × 106 neutrons/cm2/s at 4 Å and open collimation
Sample Scattering Angles -4° ≤ 2θs ≤ 122°, with additional restrictions depending on Ei
Analyzer11 PG(002) blades for horizontal focusing or flat modes
mosaic of individual blade ~30′ FWHM
Collimatorssource-monochromator - open guide (60/ki)
monochromator-sample - 10′, 20′, 40′, or 80′
sample-analyzer - 10′, 20′, 40′, 80′, or radial
analyzer-detector - 20′, 40′, 80′, or radial
Beam Filtersbefore sample: PG or cooled Be
after sample: cooled Be or BeO
Detectors:3He single detector (2.54 cm (diameter) × 15.09 cm (height)
3He single detector (5.08 cm (diameter) × 15.09 cm (height)
3He position sensitive detector (20 × 25 cm2 area)

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The SPINS pages are maintained by Leland Harriger
Last modified 2014.01.15